Today we practised using coin shaped shapes how to do different timings and spacing to make the animation appear faster or slower. For this coin, it is evenly spread and close together to create a nice even line which is going at a consistent speed. Whereas this one has a faster speed compared to the first even tho they both start and finish at the same time. This is because the spacing of the two is different. in the first one, each frame is placed evenly and consistently, so there are no gaps between each frame. Whereas the second one has fewer frames in the centre, which makes it appear faster, even tho they have the same number of frames and start and finish at the same time. This allows me to see the difference between timing and spacing, and what I can do with it. The same can be said for the next two pendulums. Both start and finish at the same time and yet have different speeds. This is all due to the spacing of each frame. ...