
Showing posts from January, 2019

The Mother: Psycho

Psycho by Grace Sansbury Chance on Scribd

Life Drawing [21/01/2019]


Character Design: Lesson 2

In this week's character design lesson, we were given a theme and had to make props to go with the character we came up with. I got the theme Vikings and went for a sidekick villain.  these were the props I came up with : for this task, we were given a room and tried to turn the room's objects into anthropomorphic  characters.  I got a bathroom and these were my attempts:

Script to Screen Mind Maps

    These Mind maps are for my project Script to Screen, Where we have to use 3 story components to come up with a story and characters to create a 2-minute animatic and Maya CG Pre-Viz of our stories. For my project, I got the components Robot, Railway station and walking stick.

Soundscape Mind Maps

 These are my mind maps for my 3 images that I was given for our Soundscape Project where we have to create 3 30 second pieces of sound for each image we were given.

Character Design: Lesson 1

In this first lesson of character design, we looked at different visual styles and changing these styles by either making them more simple or realistic and by changing the shapes they are made by, for example, circle, squares and triangles.  For these tasks, I was given Homer Simpsons. For our first task, we had to make the characters we got either more simple or more realistic, I went with a more realistic style.  I then tried to change the shape of Homer by using squares and triangles instead of circles. My second attempt but I tried to use more triangles instead of the other shapes, this is the one I felt came out better.  We were then given a theme to base our character designs on and to create a diverse range of characters with the theme. The theme I was given was Wizards, these are the different bases on which I based the bodies of my wizards on. these were some of the characters that I created.

Life Drawing [10/12/2018]


Alien Review

Alien by on Scribd

Black Narcissus Review

Black Narcissus by on Scribd